This dress could be really hot if it weren't so striking.
Dress number 13, matchbooks
-matchbooks, boxes and covers collected by my husband since high school (mid 1970’s)
-green felt used for protective covers for my paintings
-glue and double stick tape
*all match heads have been removed for safety reasons. There are no live matches on the dress as far as I know. This is also a ground floor or platform piece, no stand used.
Nametag is my 2006 Jackson HS band chaperone tag from our trip to Florida.
-matchbooks, boxes and covers collected by my husband since high school (mid 1970’s)
-green felt used for protective covers for my paintings
-glue and double stick tape
*all match heads have been removed for safety reasons. There are no live matches on the dress as far as I know. This is also a ground floor or platform piece, no stand used.
Nametag is my 2006 Jackson HS band chaperone tag from our trip to Florida.