They used to say I was nothing but skin and bones.
Dress number 11, bones, furs and natural objects
-black slip from a denim skirt long since donated
-zebra trim, gossamer, grosgrain, and lace hem tape
-Glue and thread
“stone marten” fur from the 1950’s, probably my grandmother’s, considered the poor man’s sable from Europe
-bones collected over the years including turkey, raccoon, squirrel, groundhog, assorted rodents, birds, deer, goose and other unidentified critters dug up from my own bone yard
-assorted crab skeletons from Myrtle Beach
-the underside of a tortoise shell
-a horse shoe crab head
-the fur skins of rabbits
-two strings of baby conch shells
-one half of one of my own molars extracted in the early 1970’s
-dried coral plants
-black cord
Nametag is the luggage tag off of my bags when we moved to our first apartment after getting married, the address is on it.
Stand is an old hermit crab cage we got for the boys around 1996? Contents are original to the décor of the cage plus another stone marten fur.
-black slip from a denim skirt long since donated
-zebra trim, gossamer, grosgrain, and lace hem tape
-Glue and thread
“stone marten” fur from the 1950’s, probably my grandmother’s, considered the poor man’s sable from Europe
-bones collected over the years including turkey, raccoon, squirrel, groundhog, assorted rodents, birds, deer, goose and other unidentified critters dug up from my own bone yard
-assorted crab skeletons from Myrtle Beach
-the underside of a tortoise shell
-a horse shoe crab head
-the fur skins of rabbits
-two strings of baby conch shells
-one half of one of my own molars extracted in the early 1970’s
-dried coral plants
-black cord
Nametag is the luggage tag off of my bags when we moved to our first apartment after getting married, the address is on it.
Stand is an old hermit crab cage we got for the boys around 1996? Contents are original to the décor of the cage plus another stone marten fur.