Perhaps a bit too passionate about postcards.
Dress 16 – artists’ postcards, show promo cards and artist contact/business cards
-approximately 500 art and artist promotional postcards and such collected from local shows and travel (revised dress has 806 cards now)
-hundreds of letters and cards with handwritten notes, kept since the 1970’s
- yarn
-a few sticky tabs
-30 lb braided picture wire
Stand is a cumbersome circular CD holder bought for our first house
Nametag is an invitation for an “arty party” from a pack I purchased in the early ‘70s for its theme and then a modern card inside of a Rapunzal-like character whose hair is like mine.
Made from a large collection of artist promo and show promo cards kept because I loved the artwork on them and I wanted to be able to look back over the images. Therefore, the cards are threaded (8 or 9 to a string) so as to enable viewing of the cards both front and back. Some have messages on them, some have no year date for a show (bummer) and some are works of art unto themselves. A dress shape is lost on this form due to the overwhelming number of cards. The cards do follow a sizing pattern however, from small on top to the larger ones on the bottom. Odd shaped cards are included in the train. Addition yarn strings have been left so as to add more cards in the future. The stand contains 45 or more years of cards and letters with handwritten messages (many from relatives long since passed, friends no longer in touch and other such tidbits of time…). Irreplaceable and immeasurable in their significance as to recording moments of my own life and those of others, I have never parted with these treasures, moving them from place to place over the years.
The original dress was large, awkward, off balance and unusable. I wanted to be able to reference the cards and enjoy my favorites so I tore it apart and started over. The holes were already in the cards because of how it was made originally. This revised version is much more in keeping with the concept of the whole series.
Around the upper bodice, the chosen cards tell a story about women and their body issues. The lower bodice layer cards were chosen because of the picture frame layout of the images. The corsage is made of the one card with a circle and then all red related images. The business cards form an ombre of color around the waist. A few of my favorites are attached individually around the inner ring on the underside and all remaining cards are sorted by media or subject matter, and size. The smaller postcards are on the lower ring and the larger ones with some smaller favs are on the outer higher ring. I can now access imagery by category whenever I want to. The final piece is now a functional reference source to which I can keep adding cards for as long as I wish. Won't my kids be happy to hear that.
-approximately 500 art and artist promotional postcards and such collected from local shows and travel (revised dress has 806 cards now)
-hundreds of letters and cards with handwritten notes, kept since the 1970’s
- yarn
-a few sticky tabs
-30 lb braided picture wire
Stand is a cumbersome circular CD holder bought for our first house
Nametag is an invitation for an “arty party” from a pack I purchased in the early ‘70s for its theme and then a modern card inside of a Rapunzal-like character whose hair is like mine.
Made from a large collection of artist promo and show promo cards kept because I loved the artwork on them and I wanted to be able to look back over the images. Therefore, the cards are threaded (8 or 9 to a string) so as to enable viewing of the cards both front and back. Some have messages on them, some have no year date for a show (bummer) and some are works of art unto themselves. A dress shape is lost on this form due to the overwhelming number of cards. The cards do follow a sizing pattern however, from small on top to the larger ones on the bottom. Odd shaped cards are included in the train. Addition yarn strings have been left so as to add more cards in the future. The stand contains 45 or more years of cards and letters with handwritten messages (many from relatives long since passed, friends no longer in touch and other such tidbits of time…). Irreplaceable and immeasurable in their significance as to recording moments of my own life and those of others, I have never parted with these treasures, moving them from place to place over the years.
The original dress was large, awkward, off balance and unusable. I wanted to be able to reference the cards and enjoy my favorites so I tore it apart and started over. The holes were already in the cards because of how it was made originally. This revised version is much more in keeping with the concept of the whole series.
Around the upper bodice, the chosen cards tell a story about women and their body issues. The lower bodice layer cards were chosen because of the picture frame layout of the images. The corsage is made of the one card with a circle and then all red related images. The business cards form an ombre of color around the waist. A few of my favorites are attached individually around the inner ring on the underside and all remaining cards are sorted by media or subject matter, and size. The smaller postcards are on the lower ring and the larger ones with some smaller favs are on the outer higher ring. I can now access imagery by category whenever I want to. The final piece is now a functional reference source to which I can keep adding cards for as long as I wish. Won't my kids be happy to hear that.