Positive from a Negative
I am of the pre-digital photography era so we have thousands of printed pictures and their film negatives strips, always saved in case we wanted reprints! I feel guilty throwing these strips away but know they are also completely useless. The perforated edges once used to wind the film onto a developer spiral have always appealed to me visually. I experimented with sewing them together. I learned that the “material” is not very flexible or forgiving so the resulting skirt was not as originally envisioned. My big ball gown lighted from within was not to be. Instead there is this slim skirt and rather jaunty cape, my challenge and my solution to recording the era of pre-digital photography for those who have never seen such things before. Thousands more strips remain in storage so a lighted garment may in time be added to the collection. As far as the faded pictures, many were cut and burnt for use on the garment “We Burned….” also on exhibit in this show. Perhaps I should have made a picture frame hat…
35mm film negatives, embroidery thread, slide casings
35mm film negatives, embroidery thread, slide casings