School Shootings School Bus Cape
The cape pattern is from the 1960s when times were different. The color is school bus yellow with reflectors included in the detailing like the lights on a bus. The bullet holes number 52, one for each state, the District of Columbia and the “rest of the story” victims after the dress was originally finished in May of 2018. Incidents are recorded by state in alphabetical postal code beginning on the lower front right if looking at it (left if wearing). Victims from incidents where a gun was used in an institution of learning or education are tallied using records kept since 1840. Depicted as white paper doll shapes, each one is hand painted. Those with a red X were killed on site or died later, those untouched represent the wounded. Events are in order but not specified, hence the distance between X’s. The embroidered words mimic the words on the side of a school bus. A tally of bodies used to be kept on a chalkboard located near-by because this was a work in progress. I tried to maintain the tally but I haven’t the heart to keep going. My point has been made. The conversation continues….and I keep painting figures.