Self Portrait: A life's journey as told through great square inches of Art
Inspired by the design aesthetic of Piet Mondrian, this cape features one of two different patch collections. Seen on this garment are over 230 patches collected since my childhood depicting events and locations, hence the reason for the title. Rather than T-shirts, hats, or assorted souvenirs, I collect patches, something which are more difficult to find now. As a patch designer myself, having created over 180 different pieces primarily for the Boy Scouts of America, the principles of art and the elements of design found within each one fascinates me. Patches are truly "great square inches of art”. Quite a bit of time was spent planning the location and layout of each patch onto their color fields so as to best enhance the details of their unique shapes and colors. One observation on the use of a high wrap collar, COVID restrictions were in full mask mode so this design feature functioned as a face shield. This garment will never be completed. Additions to my collection are fit into the ongoing and ever evolving layout as my life goes on and the journey continues.
Fabric, seam binding, patches, embroidery floss, zipper
Fabric, seam binding, patches, embroidery floss, zipper