Good and Hot, reversible cape and flame dress
The “Good” of this ensemble is this cape, made from the fabrics used for the stage wings of the 2019 Aultman Hospital Angel Auction. The feather-like material is basic bolt yardage fabric, but the gold sequins were once bridesmaid dresses found at the thrift store. This cape is reversible to reveal a golden flame-like pattern that I chose for the inside. Underneath is the “Hot” dress. The base piece is vintage1970s with its fitted sequin styling. Appliqued over it, using an assortment of scraps and remnants from my stash of stuff, is the illusion of flames. She is on fire! Created for the 2020 Aultman Hospital Women’s Board Fashion for a Cause Fashion Show, the purpose of this piece is to have a dramatic entrance with the cape fluttering down the runway (like an Angel’s wings) then flying up and open just like the mechanical stage wings for the 2019 Auction. The dress then sparkles under the stage lights as if on fire. On the runway, the cape is reversed and placed back over the dress to douse her flames yet continuing to glow. Yes, all this was done for 45 seconds of drama on stage.
Vintage 70s dress, assorted repurposed textiles and trims
Vintage 70s dress, assorted repurposed textiles and trims