In a world gone crazy, we hide behind our labels and share words of ____________!
I created this garment in reaction to the war of words during the intense period of the Corona virus and election era politics of 2020. The word “crazy” is used two ways, as a description of the dominating societal vibe and also refers to the overall design concept like that of a traditional crazy quilt: silk fabrics, mixed patterns, embroidery threads and a random layout of panels. Because of quarantine restrictions at the time, I could not source materials therefore whatever was available in the studio had to suffice. As for the choice of words, I started with 50 that were personally significant to me then narrowed the list to 37 that could actually fit on the coat. Perhaps the remaining 13 may yet be placed as they are important words for all of us. I use “hide” in the title because we often do not speak with honesty and truth, we label people without full knowledge. The blank space allows for the viewer to complete the sentence with a word they feel is most appropriate since words have different meanings and interpretations to each of us.
Silk tie remnants, embroidery floss, hem tape, denim
Silk tie remnants, embroidery floss, hem tape, denim