What Color is Your Covid??
What color is your COVID? Started in 2020….
This garment uses necktie silks and a few assorted fabrics that have patterns of circles, spots and dots. Each one, regardless of size, has been counted and is recorded on the strategically placed toe tags. Each circle, spot or dot as of today represents _____ number of deaths from COVID-19, Corona Virus, in the United States. The overall number of units is finite for each appliqued circle, background area, collar and lining. The tally is also recorded on the inside of the garment so one can wear this as a piece of art without the “statement” of the tags displayed upon it.
The total number of circles, spots and dot is 44, 935 which I divide into the total number of recorded deaths so as to get a number for each one to represent. When I began, (with only the exterior units at 36, 733) each one represented 5 victims. As the virus claims more people, the ration is now up to about 8.5 and continues to climb! The updated number will be written in pencil on the back of each tag as the percentages change, therefore this is a work in progress.
The reason I made this piece is to visualize the overwhelming number of victims. When we think of 250,000 for example, we don’t see the individual units. That is the cost of nice home or a super sports car. To see that tally broken down is another thing all together. Just how many people have died, when seen as one tiny dot being 10 lives or more, brings the devastating toll to the forefront. Different colors, sizes, and designs are like the different people who have been affected. Yes, I truly did count each and every visible circle, spot and dot. 44,935 does not seem like a very big number. If each single unit represented one death, we would need 10 identical garments and counting…..
Replica toe tags are used because that is what is put on a dead body for identification when it rests in a morgue.
This garment uses necktie silks and a few assorted fabrics that have patterns of circles, spots and dots. Each one, regardless of size, has been counted and is recorded on the strategically placed toe tags. Each circle, spot or dot as of today represents _____ number of deaths from COVID-19, Corona Virus, in the United States. The overall number of units is finite for each appliqued circle, background area, collar and lining. The tally is also recorded on the inside of the garment so one can wear this as a piece of art without the “statement” of the tags displayed upon it.
The total number of circles, spots and dot is 44, 935 which I divide into the total number of recorded deaths so as to get a number for each one to represent. When I began, (with only the exterior units at 36, 733) each one represented 5 victims. As the virus claims more people, the ration is now up to about 8.5 and continues to climb! The updated number will be written in pencil on the back of each tag as the percentages change, therefore this is a work in progress.
The reason I made this piece is to visualize the overwhelming number of victims. When we think of 250,000 for example, we don’t see the individual units. That is the cost of nice home or a super sports car. To see that tally broken down is another thing all together. Just how many people have died, when seen as one tiny dot being 10 lives or more, brings the devastating toll to the forefront. Different colors, sizes, and designs are like the different people who have been affected. Yes, I truly did count each and every visible circle, spot and dot. 44,935 does not seem like a very big number. If each single unit represented one death, we would need 10 identical garments and counting…..
Replica toe tags are used because that is what is put on a dead body for identification when it rests in a morgue.