Cloak of Comfort
Whether off the cuff or up my sleeve, 40 years of accumulated inspirations, motivations, prayers, advice and comics have been gathered from the inside of my kitchen cabinets.
During the years of raising my children, I cut and clipped items that I felt would come in handy as they grew up. It is easier for a child to talk about serious issues with a parent when there is no eye contact. Therefore, I kept inspirations, advice, words of wisdom and so forth inside my kitchen cabinets. I could be “cooking” or “cleaning a cupboard” while listening to my child, finding the words I needed, all without confrontation or aggressive behavior. This garment is one big giant hug from Mom. The 111 sleeves are sewn to a modified cape pattern made of remnant fabrics, warm corduroy on one side and a calico floral on the other. The sleeves came from garments used during my brief time upcycling discarded goods and best represent the arms that hug us. There are 93 print outs, safely laminated for your reading pleasure. The comics, post it notes, a recipe or two and other oddities fill out this kitchen cupboard collection. It is a very heavy piece hence the use of duffle bag strap that tightens around the shoulders. Stitched along the collar is the title, “Cloak of Comfort, {heart} Mom”.