The Kitty Kat Coat
The Daily Doodle Diary Series continues to grow with the addition of this coat featuring napkins starring my cat on the main body of the garment. The sleeves are napkins about my fight with poison ivy, yard chores and weather issues. What was once the outside of a faux fur is now the inside lining. Most of the images are of Cersie, our rescue cat from a nearby woods. She is a main coon runt, not quite living up to the expectations of a full sized breed. The dog is my grand-dog CeCe who comes to stay periodically. A few images are of the now deceased Sadie (known as “Tades”) and perhaps one of Ringo. CeCe has her own collection of images so only those with Cersie are included here.
Deconstructed thrift coat, lunch napkins, sharpie, thread, pom
poms, floss.