Zip-Tie Couture
My dad LOVED zip-ties. Even if something did not need to be secured, he zip-tied it in place anyway. Breaking up the home, I found hundreds and hundreds of loose zip-ties in tool chests, kitchen drawers and randomly scattered throughout the house. Most were black and white, the colored ones perhaps being stocking stuffers over the years. This flapper-esque styled garment, headpiece and arm bands contain 2902 zip-ties. Yes, there are still more. The base dress is a blackout curtain panel, the straps are from a cochlear implant tote bag (he was deaf) and deer fencing (found in the shed) provides the attachment layer. It is a heavy piece but fully wearable when the excess fabric is zip-tied to the bottom row of fencing in order to walk and a full zipper is in the back. The layout of the zip-ties is purposeful to create patterns and balance, all being figured out mathematically beforehand as one cannot reuse a zip-tie, it must be cut off.
2896 zip-ties, black out curtain panel, plastic deer fencing.
2896 zip-ties, black out curtain panel, plastic deer fencing.