Dress of Success, or is it just a Sheer Illusion?
Reclaimed wedding gown, black out curtains, floss, remnant sheers
50 luxury brand logos adorn this reclaimed wedding gown. They form a bold pattern, easily seen and recognized. Overlaying this design, are 60 sheer circles with words of worth stitched on them. The conversation is about what we see versus what we should look for. What do we value versus what we may overlook. Where do you stand? Are designer goods and brands more important than the qualities of bravery or compassion? What did you notice first? A wedding gown was used to imply that these 60 words of worth are perhaps what one should look for in a partner rather than what is owned, driven or worn. The logos and words are all hand cut and stitched. And yes, the words of worth outnumber the worth of goods. The headpiece features a definition, “Worth: The value of something measured by its qualities or by the esteem in which it is held.”
Alexander McQueen Balenciaga Bottega Venetta Bvlgari
Calvin Klein Cartier Chanel Christian Dior
Classe Coach Delvaux Dolce & Gabbana
Enzo Belardo Fende Ferrari Giorgio Armani
Givenchy Gloria Vanderbilt Gucci
Hermes Jaguar Jimmy Choo Karl Lagerfeld
Kenzo Lacoste Lamborghini Loewe
Louboutin Louis Vuitton Manolo Blahnik Marc Jacobs
Maserati McClaren Michael Kors Nike
Oscar de la Renta Polo / Ralph Lauren Prada
Ray-Ban Rolls Royce Rolex Salvatore Ferragamo
Stussy Tesla Tiffany & Company Tory Burch
Valentino Vera Wang Versace Yves St Laurent
Words of Worth
Accountable Affectionate Ambitious Attentive
Authentic Brave Character Cheerful
Chivalrous Commitment Communication Confident
Consistent Courage Courteous Determination
Devoted Empathetic Fair Forgiveness
Friendly Generous Healthy Helpful
Honesty Honor Humility Humor
Independent Inspirational Intelligence Interactive
Intimate Just Kind Loving
Loyal Mature Non-Judgmental Nurturing
Observant Passion Patience Polite
Resilient Respectful Reverent Self-Awareness
Sensitive Stable Strong Sympathetic
Tender Thrifty Trustworthy Understanding
Values Visionary Vulnerable Work-ethic
50 luxury brand logos adorn this reclaimed wedding gown. They form a bold pattern, easily seen and recognized. Overlaying this design, are 60 sheer circles with words of worth stitched on them. The conversation is about what we see versus what we should look for. What do we value versus what we may overlook. Where do you stand? Are designer goods and brands more important than the qualities of bravery or compassion? What did you notice first? A wedding gown was used to imply that these 60 words of worth are perhaps what one should look for in a partner rather than what is owned, driven or worn. The logos and words are all hand cut and stitched. And yes, the words of worth outnumber the worth of goods. The headpiece features a definition, “Worth: The value of something measured by its qualities or by the esteem in which it is held.”
Alexander McQueen Balenciaga Bottega Venetta Bvlgari
Calvin Klein Cartier Chanel Christian Dior
Classe Coach Delvaux Dolce & Gabbana
Enzo Belardo Fende Ferrari Giorgio Armani
Givenchy Gloria Vanderbilt Gucci
Hermes Jaguar Jimmy Choo Karl Lagerfeld
Kenzo Lacoste Lamborghini Loewe
Louboutin Louis Vuitton Manolo Blahnik Marc Jacobs
Maserati McClaren Michael Kors Nike
Oscar de la Renta Polo / Ralph Lauren Prada
Ray-Ban Rolls Royce Rolex Salvatore Ferragamo
Stussy Tesla Tiffany & Company Tory Burch
Valentino Vera Wang Versace Yves St Laurent
Words of Worth
Accountable Affectionate Ambitious Attentive
Authentic Brave Character Cheerful
Chivalrous Commitment Communication Confident
Consistent Courage Courteous Determination
Devoted Empathetic Fair Forgiveness
Friendly Generous Healthy Helpful
Honesty Honor Humility Humor
Independent Inspirational Intelligence Interactive
Intimate Just Kind Loving
Loyal Mature Non-Judgmental Nurturing
Observant Passion Patience Polite
Resilient Respectful Reverent Self-Awareness
Sensitive Stable Strong Sympathetic
Tender Thrifty Trustworthy Understanding
Values Visionary Vulnerable Work-ethic