Shout Out from a Shut In
This piece is made from the flags, banners and windsocks my Mom would hang outside her house. She was not able to get outside without assistance so it was my job to change the flags for each holiday, season or event so her neighbors would know she was thinking about them. Flags for the first day of school, Halloween, Mother’s Day, and so on were never retired or replaced when worn and torn, they just accumulated. Of course, my Dad made sure I zip-tied them to the flagpole, per his own obsession. The base dress is comprised of 25 flags sewn in 5 rows of 5. They are tiered from the most faded and worn to the best of the bunch on the top layer. The cape is made from 5 windsocks, one of which has three phrases embroidered on its streamers: Shout Out From A Shut-in (the title); “Hello, I’m home, I’m here!” (the purpose of the flags); 3622 Elmbrook Dr. (the street address where they flew). The headpiece is made from 2 windsocks that were shaped like flowers. I am pleased with the flamboyant presentation of this piece as it fulfills the essence of being a SHOUT Out!
25 nylon flags/banners, 7 windsocks, floss