My Bi-polar pair of pants paired with my bi-polar bra
This two-piece garment represents the two extremes of emotions for someone who suffers from bi-polar disorder. As a child, I remember it being called “manic-depressive disorder”. People would whisper …” she is really UP today” or “he is really on a DOWNER”.
For this concept, I made a pair of pants paired with a bra which are then connected, as both garments have two distinct sides but can be worn on one person.
These creations symbolize the way bi-polar disorder has two distinct catalogues of symptoms. I chose different fabrics, color pallets, styles of text and appliqué shapes to distinguish between the two sides. 24 words are visible over the two legs, which are symptoms, feelings and characteristics of each side of the “cycle” of bi-polar disorder. The waistband lets viewers know that help is always available for any mental health crisis by calling 988.
The connecting bands between the pants and the bra say “Me Two” which is not a grammatical error but a purposeful choice. An afflicted person is of one body but sometimes feels of two minds.