New News....
"Dance with Dementia" has been juried into the 53rd Annual Juried Exhibition at the Valley Art Center in Chagrin Falls, OH opening November 8th.
"Cloak of Comfort: Life Lessons that are off the cuff or up my sleeve" has been accepted into the special sensory show In-Touch: A Hands-On Exhibition at the Valley Art Center in Chagrin Falls Ohio. On view Sept 13 - Oct 23, 2024
Best in Show at the 78th Annual Ohio Exhibition at the Zanesville Museum of Art for "Dance with Dementia" until September 14th.
"Cape-kin" on view at the Kaiser Gallery in Cleveland, OH for the Descendants Show curated by Dr. Connie Peiper until September 7th.
"Going in Circles" and "Zip-tie Couture" will be in a show at the Canton Museum of Art from August 27th until October 27th , 2024.
Hoard Couture Wearable Art has been updated with new pieces. We are available to walk these garments in your fashion show. Send a message and we will make it happen! ----- ---- Hoard Couture Wearable Art (facebook)----If you are looking for me and anything I make or sell, you will find it on one of these sites!
Buy Art!! Now you can buy my work as a pillow, print, T-shirt, shower curtain, phone case and more!! Visit my page, customize your selection and have it shipped directly to you. Don't see one of your favorites uploaded yet? Message me and I will see what I can do to make it happen.a
Thanks to all of you who support my calling and my career to color outside the lines!