Black Magic
Black Magic
30 X 40
2003 / #8
What is one of the most common myths of fashion? Wear black and you will look thinner, so the designers say. Therefore, black pants must be magic! Black magic is comprised of tricks and illusions to make you believe what is not real. Fashion is pretty much the same thing. It is an industry of tricks and illusions to make you see and feel what is not really there.
The three characters are dressed for a fancy evening out, believing that the magic black pants (or skirt) will hide the true story. Am I being mean? No, I am being truthful and the ladies are not upset by it. They are confident and happy and having a good time. Granted, their choice of tops is not the most flattering and perhaps should have been black as well for one of them, but confidence will override anything.
I bounce color around in the background to move the eye around the image. Often my color placement will form triangles. I like to apply a lot of make up to my characters because it is a grown up way to play dress up.
People, who have seen the piece in person, will discuss amongst themselves who the characters resemble. Interesting to hear (yes, I ease drop sometimes) which young actress is most destined to grow up and look like one of my girls. Next time you attend a dressy event, count how many women are into black magic!
30 X 40
2003 / #8
What is one of the most common myths of fashion? Wear black and you will look thinner, so the designers say. Therefore, black pants must be magic! Black magic is comprised of tricks and illusions to make you believe what is not real. Fashion is pretty much the same thing. It is an industry of tricks and illusions to make you see and feel what is not really there.
The three characters are dressed for a fancy evening out, believing that the magic black pants (or skirt) will hide the true story. Am I being mean? No, I am being truthful and the ladies are not upset by it. They are confident and happy and having a good time. Granted, their choice of tops is not the most flattering and perhaps should have been black as well for one of them, but confidence will override anything.
I bounce color around in the background to move the eye around the image. Often my color placement will form triangles. I like to apply a lot of make up to my characters because it is a grown up way to play dress up.
People, who have seen the piece in person, will discuss amongst themselves who the characters resemble. Interesting to hear (yes, I ease drop sometimes) which young actress is most destined to grow up and look like one of my girls. Next time you attend a dressy event, count how many women are into black magic!