Never Too Late
Never Too Late
30 X 24
2002 / #3
This is a popular painting and has been widely exhibited. A couple of commissions have been based upon this theme. The title basically refers to it never being too late to be a kid at heart. She could also use a little sunscreen. The sandcastle was quite fun to create. I carved in my initials and my husband’s as well as added seashells and feathers. Seashells are one of my favorite things to collect. The feathers represent her being a bit “bird brained” though she has had fun sticking them in her hair. I have done the same thing on hikes, picked up feathers and stuck them in my braid. The marbles are to indicate that she has perhaps “lost her marbles” a bit. It a simple painting using a simple pose and a simple concept, but it is one that is easily relatable. How we all wish for just a day at the beach with nothing to worry about but whether the next wave will reach our creation.
On a side note, when I go to the beach, I like to conduct an experiment on human nature. From my beach chair to the ocean’s edge, I will construct a line of sand piles made from one bucket of sand, overturned as a row of tiny castle tops with no space in between and only maybe 8” high. Then I sit back and watch how people react. Beach walkers are an interesting lot. Some will stop and look around as if this is the strangest thing ever encountered. Others stop and step carefully over it, some just stomp on through with no regard at all, others will actually walk around it by entering the water, some laugh, some show disgust, some are confused, and others don’t even notice, being too engrossed in a conversation or cell phone. And people wonder where I get my
30 X 24
2002 / #3
This is a popular painting and has been widely exhibited. A couple of commissions have been based upon this theme. The title basically refers to it never being too late to be a kid at heart. She could also use a little sunscreen. The sandcastle was quite fun to create. I carved in my initials and my husband’s as well as added seashells and feathers. Seashells are one of my favorite things to collect. The feathers represent her being a bit “bird brained” though she has had fun sticking them in her hair. I have done the same thing on hikes, picked up feathers and stuck them in my braid. The marbles are to indicate that she has perhaps “lost her marbles” a bit. It a simple painting using a simple pose and a simple concept, but it is one that is easily relatable. How we all wish for just a day at the beach with nothing to worry about but whether the next wave will reach our creation.
On a side note, when I go to the beach, I like to conduct an experiment on human nature. From my beach chair to the ocean’s edge, I will construct a line of sand piles made from one bucket of sand, overturned as a row of tiny castle tops with no space in between and only maybe 8” high. Then I sit back and watch how people react. Beach walkers are an interesting lot. Some will stop and look around as if this is the strangest thing ever encountered. Others stop and step carefully over it, some just stomp on through with no regard at all, others will actually walk around it by entering the water, some laugh, some show disgust, some are confused, and others don’t even notice, being too engrossed in a conversation or cell phone. And people wonder where I get my