Predatory Volunteer
Predatory Volunteer
30 x 40
2002 / #1
Based on a real person whom I see on a monthly basis around town, this painting depicts those women who belong to all the big, important do-gooder groups in town just to have their name on the roster, but hunt down us unsuspecting worker bees to do all the actual work. The situation that sparked my anger enough to have to paint this woman occurred late one evening. Now you must first understand that I am rather well known in my town for what I do in regards to artwork, designing, event production and so on. I have paid my dues in the do-gooder department (and still do on occasion) so most people know who I am either by name or reputation.
One late evening, this woman calls and is practically begging me to help on a project. Her actual words were “only YOU can do this”, “you’re the one, we all know it”, “we can’t do it without you” and on and on with the syrup. When she paused to breath for a second, I jumped in with a “no, I am sorry, I have too many commitments as it is right now”…I heard a dead silence and finally she says, “well, what is it that you do anyway?” That statement caught me off guard. If you have no idea what I do, then why are you saying only I can do it? Seems to me she was just out hunting like a bird of prey for some sucker to say yes so she could claim to have done her job while doing nothing at all, hence the term, a predatory volunteer.
The painting has her hawk-like in appearance, which after her recent face-lift (#3?) is pretty much the case. I left the scars on there to let the viewer know. The hands show how people with dragon nails have to use their hands. I detest those long nails and you will find them over and over in my work. The words are spilling from her mouth and forming smelly piles of BS around her feet and the bulletin board behind you keeps track of her progress. I have an unseen figure tending to her needs as heaven forbid she would do anything for herself. The cotton balls between the toes reflect this pampered princess attitude as well. Think for a moment, we all know someone just like her don’t we!?
30 x 40
2002 / #1
Based on a real person whom I see on a monthly basis around town, this painting depicts those women who belong to all the big, important do-gooder groups in town just to have their name on the roster, but hunt down us unsuspecting worker bees to do all the actual work. The situation that sparked my anger enough to have to paint this woman occurred late one evening. Now you must first understand that I am rather well known in my town for what I do in regards to artwork, designing, event production and so on. I have paid my dues in the do-gooder department (and still do on occasion) so most people know who I am either by name or reputation.
One late evening, this woman calls and is practically begging me to help on a project. Her actual words were “only YOU can do this”, “you’re the one, we all know it”, “we can’t do it without you” and on and on with the syrup. When she paused to breath for a second, I jumped in with a “no, I am sorry, I have too many commitments as it is right now”…I heard a dead silence and finally she says, “well, what is it that you do anyway?” That statement caught me off guard. If you have no idea what I do, then why are you saying only I can do it? Seems to me she was just out hunting like a bird of prey for some sucker to say yes so she could claim to have done her job while doing nothing at all, hence the term, a predatory volunteer.
The painting has her hawk-like in appearance, which after her recent face-lift (#3?) is pretty much the case. I left the scars on there to let the viewer know. The hands show how people with dragon nails have to use their hands. I detest those long nails and you will find them over and over in my work. The words are spilling from her mouth and forming smelly piles of BS around her feet and the bulletin board behind you keeps track of her progress. I have an unseen figure tending to her needs as heaven forbid she would do anything for herself. The cotton balls between the toes reflect this pampered princess attitude as well. Think for a moment, we all know someone just like her don’t we!?